E-ISSN 3041-4180

Review Article
Online Published: 22 Aug 2024

Understanding Microbial Contamination in Meat and Poultry Production

Youssef SALAMA, Mohammed CHENNAOUI.

This review examines the sources and species of bacteriological contamination in meat and poultry products, focusing on the role of spore- forming bacteria, Salmonella, psychrotrophs, and Staphylococci. We identify key sources of contamination, including animal sources, processing equipment, and the surrounding environment. The review highlights the importance of proper hygiene practices, temperature control, and effective processing techniques to minimize bacterial growth and prevent foodborne illnesses. We also explore the microbiology of ready-to-eat and fermented meat and poultry products, examining methods to optimize their shelf life and safety. This study provides valuable insights for improving the microbiological safety of meat and poultry products, contributing to safer and more sustainable food practices.

Key words: Bacteriological contamination; Food safety; Pathogenic bacteria; Poultry meat; Processing; Spoilage

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Pubmed Style

SALAMA Y, CHENNAOUI M, . Understanding Microbial Contamination in Meat and Poultry Production. J Res Agric Food Sci. 2024; 1(3): 87-107. doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240705062923

Web Style

SALAMA Y, CHENNAOUI M, . Understanding Microbial Contamination in Meat and Poultry Production. https://www.wisdomgale.com/jrafs/?mno=208486 [Access: August 31, 2024]. doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240705062923

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

SALAMA Y, CHENNAOUI M, . Understanding Microbial Contamination in Meat and Poultry Production. J Res Agric Food Sci. 2024; 1(3): 87-107. doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240705062923

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

SALAMA Y, CHENNAOUI M, . Understanding Microbial Contamination in Meat and Poultry Production. J Res Agric Food Sci. (2024), [cited August 31, 2024]; 1(3): 87-107. doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240705062923

Harvard Style

SALAMA, Y., CHENNAOUI, M. & (2024) Understanding Microbial Contamination in Meat and Poultry Production. J Res Agric Food Sci, 1 (3), 87-107. doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240705062923

Turabian Style

SALAMA, Youssef, Mohammed CHENNAOUI, and . 2024. Understanding Microbial Contamination in Meat and Poultry Production. Journal of Research in Agriculture and Food Sciences, 1 (3), 87-107. doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240705062923

Chicago Style

SALAMA, Youssef, Mohammed CHENNAOUI, and . "Understanding Microbial Contamination in Meat and Poultry Production." Journal of Research in Agriculture and Food Sciences 1 (2024), 87-107. doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240705062923

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

SALAMA, Youssef, Mohammed CHENNAOUI, and . "Understanding Microbial Contamination in Meat and Poultry Production." Journal of Research in Agriculture and Food Sciences 1.3 (2024), 87-107. Print. doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240705062923

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

SALAMA, Y., CHENNAOUI, M. & (2024) Understanding Microbial Contamination in Meat and Poultry Production. Journal of Research in Agriculture and Food Sciences, 1 (3), 87-107. doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240705062923