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Morphological and Histological Features of the Mammary Gland of Uda Breed of Sheep (Ovis aries)

A Blockchain-Based Approach to VAT Invoice Authentication and Tokenization

The Expression of NKx3-1 and AMACR (α-Methyl acyl CoA racemase) in Prostatic Adenocarcinoma among Sudanese Males

Assessing the Knowledge about the Role of Alcohol during Malaria and its Interactions with Antimalarial Medications amongst Adults: A Cross Sectional Survey in Buea Health District, Cameroon.

Assessment of bovine plasma and serum sample stability at different storage conditions with concentration variations of biochemical analytes

Prevalence, Virulence Factors and Antibiotic Resistance Pattern of Hafnia alvei from Urine Specimen in a Tertiary Institution, Nigeria

Factors Associated with Hypertension Complications in a University Teaching Hospital in Southwest Nigeria

Study to compare the effect of Neural Mobilisation, Carpal Bone Mobilisation, and Splinting in patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Association of Opioid Use Disorder and Healthcare Utilization Among Patients with Sickle Cell Disease In Northwestern Nigeria


Nanotechnology in Diabetes Management: Advances in Diagnostics, Drug Delivery, and Therapeutic Applications

Enhancing Cold-Water Fish Biomass: The Synergistic Role of Water Quality and Probiotics in Sustainable Aquaculture

Smart Health Monitoring System: A Proposed Solution Utilizing Thermal Sensors to Avoid Heatstroke during Hajj Season in Saudi Arabia

Comprehensive Assessment of Oral and Dental Health among University Students in Palestine and Jordan: A Cross-Sectional Survey Quantitative Study

Medicinal Uses, Prevalence, and Mechanism of Action of Nigerian Plants with Psychoactive Properties


Natural Disintegrants in Pharmaceutical Formulations

Risk factors associated with camel milk total coliform and total viable bacterial count along the camel milk value chain in Isiolo County, Kenya

Molecular Biology of Multiple Myeloma (MM): Treatment Approaches using Monoclonal Antibodies

Case Reports

Treating Angle’s Class III with anterior cross bite with Jaw Functional Orthopedics. Clinics and Laboratory appliance construction protocols.

Clinical Outcome of a Cat with Cauda Equina Syndrome Undergoing Electroacupuncture: A Case Report

Surgical management of gid disease in Black Bengal goat: A case report

Neglect in Grooming Establishment – Dog’s death: Case Report

Incidental discovery of Mullerian Duct Cyst in a male patient: A Rare Case Report and differential diagnosis

Successful Management of Recurrent Umbilical Hernia in a Dog using a Novel 2-Layer Closure Technique: A Pioneering Case Report

Bilateral Brachial plexus block: A case report

Livolin Forte's Modulatory Effect on Haematological Parameters Caused by Sub-chronic Lead Acetate Administration In Wistar Rats

Post-traumatic Rupture of an Intracranial Dermoid Cyst: a Case Report

Short Communications

Prevalence Of Hypertension And Its Association with Diabetic Complications In Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus At A Tertiary Care Hospital

Microbial Spectrum and Viability of Bacterial Contaminants on Banknotes

The accreditation transition of Canadian medical schools: Possible implications for graduates applying for residency positions in the United States

The Potential of Artificial Intelligence for Personalized Surgical Planning: A Letter to the Editor

One Health: A must-needed approach for dealing with Monkeypox

Haematological and serum biochemical analysis of Bengal tigers from Arignar Anna Zoological Park (AAZP), Chennai, India

A clinico-pathological analysis of Ivermectin-induced toxicity in eight Hermann’s Tortoises treated for tick infestation

Is it necessary to calibrate the rotational speed of the centrifuge?

A Case of Winching technique: A practical approach for insuperable chronicaly occluded indwelling iliac venous stents

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SmartGrowth - An Intelligent Environmental Control and Alert Mechanism System

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Physicochemical properties and Lipid profile of Jyotishmati (Celastrus Paniculatus)

Research Article

Design and Development of a Self-tuning Fuzzy PID Controller for Evaporative Cooling system to Preserve Fruits and Vegetables

Original Article


Review Article

Nanosensors for Early Detection and Diagnosis of Cancer: A Review of Recent Advances

Case Report

Radiological features of periorbital hyaluronic acid fillers: a case series

AJDI - American Journal of Diagnostic ImagingCRSM - Case Reorts and Series in MedicineEJDR - European Journal of Dental ResearchEJMID - European Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
EJSRR - European Journal of Scientific Research and ReviewsJBM - Journal of Basic MedicineJBRR - Journal of Biological Research and ReviewsJCRR - Journal of Cancer Research and Reviews
JCSI - Journal of Computer Sciences and InformaticsJERR - Journal of Engineering Research and ReviewsJELM - Journal of Experimental and Laboratory MedicineJMRR - Journal of Medical Research and Reviews
JPPR - Journal of Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical ResearchJPHCM - Journal of Public Health and Community MedicineJRAFS - Journal of Research in Agriculture and Food SciencesJRCM - Journal of Research in Complementary Medicine
JRVS - Journal of Research in Veterinary SciencesJSRR - Journal of Surgical Research and Reviews