E-ISSN 2983-757X

Case Report

Online Publishing Date:
31 / 07 / 2024



Nura Abubakar, Zaid Shehu, Ashiru Dahiru, Hassan Abubakar Bodinga, Umar Salisu Ahmad, Muhammad Salihu Jibrin.

A two-year-old Tom-cat was presented to the small animal Clinic of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria, with a complaint of inability to walk, inability to control urination, inability to defecate, inappetence, and weakness. The problems were noticed about four days after an attack by a newly acquired dog in the house. X-ray of the vertebral column revealed the fracture of the fourth, fifth, and sixth lumbar vertebra. Due to the health deteriorations, neurological signs exhibited by the patient, time taken before presentation to the clinic and expected poor prognosis, euthanasia of the patient was considered.

Key words: Fracture, lumbar vertebrae, dog bite trauma, Euthanasia.

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Pubmed Style

Abubakar N, Shehu Z, Dahiru A, Bodinga HA, Ahmad US, Jibrin MS, . DOG BITE TRAUMA-INDUCED VERTEBRAL FRACTURE IN A 2-YEAR-OLD TOM-CAT: A CASE REPORT. J Res Vet Sci. Online First: 31 Jul, 2024. doi:10.5455/JRVS.20240624100551

Web Style

Abubakar N, Shehu Z, Dahiru A, Bodinga HA, Ahmad US, Jibrin MS, . DOG BITE TRAUMA-INDUCED VERTEBRAL FRACTURE IN A 2-YEAR-OLD TOM-CAT: A CASE REPORT. https://www.wisdomgale.com/jrvs/?mno=206913 [Access: August 02, 2024]. doi:10.5455/JRVS.20240624100551

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

Abubakar N, Shehu Z, Dahiru A, Bodinga HA, Ahmad US, Jibrin MS, . DOG BITE TRAUMA-INDUCED VERTEBRAL FRACTURE IN A 2-YEAR-OLD TOM-CAT: A CASE REPORT. J Res Vet Sci. Online First: 31 Jul, 2024. doi:10.5455/JRVS.20240624100551

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

Abubakar N, Shehu Z, Dahiru A, Bodinga HA, Ahmad US, Jibrin MS, . DOG BITE TRAUMA-INDUCED VERTEBRAL FRACTURE IN A 2-YEAR-OLD TOM-CAT: A CASE REPORT. J Res Vet Sci, [cited August 02, 2024]; Online First: 31 Jul, 2024. doi:10.5455/JRVS.20240624100551

Harvard Style

Abubakar, N., Shehu, Z., Dahiru, A., Bodinga, H. A., Ahmad, U. S., Jibrin, M. S. & (0) DOG BITE TRAUMA-INDUCED VERTEBRAL FRACTURE IN A 2-YEAR-OLD TOM-CAT: A CASE REPORT. J Res Vet Sci, Online First: 31 Jul, 2024. doi:10.5455/JRVS.20240624100551

Turabian Style

Abubakar, Nura, Zaid Shehu, Ashiru Dahiru, Hassan Abubakar Bodinga, Umar Salisu Ahmad, Muhammad Salihu Jibrin, and . 0. DOG BITE TRAUMA-INDUCED VERTEBRAL FRACTURE IN A 2-YEAR-OLD TOM-CAT: A CASE REPORT. Journal of Research in Veterinary Sciences, Online First: 31 Jul, 2024. doi:10.5455/JRVS.20240624100551

Chicago Style

Abubakar, Nura, Zaid Shehu, Ashiru Dahiru, Hassan Abubakar Bodinga, Umar Salisu Ahmad, Muhammad Salihu Jibrin, and . "DOG BITE TRAUMA-INDUCED VERTEBRAL FRACTURE IN A 2-YEAR-OLD TOM-CAT: A CASE REPORT." Journal of Research in Veterinary Sciences Online First: 31 Jul, 2024. doi:10.5455/JRVS.20240624100551

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

Abubakar, Nura, Zaid Shehu, Ashiru Dahiru, Hassan Abubakar Bodinga, Umar Salisu Ahmad, Muhammad Salihu Jibrin, and . "DOG BITE TRAUMA-INDUCED VERTEBRAL FRACTURE IN A 2-YEAR-OLD TOM-CAT: A CASE REPORT." Journal of Research in Veterinary Sciences Online First: 31 Jul, 2024. Web. 02 Aug 2024 doi:10.5455/JRVS.20240624100551

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Abubakar, N., Shehu, Z., Dahiru, A., Bodinga, H. A., Ahmad, U. S., Jibrin, M. S. & (0) DOG BITE TRAUMA-INDUCED VERTEBRAL FRACTURE IN A 2-YEAR-OLD TOM-CAT: A CASE REPORT. Journal of Research in Veterinary Sciences, Online First: 31 Jul, 2024. doi:10.5455/JRVS.20240624100551