E-ISSN 3041-4296

Review Article
Online Published: 10 May 2024

Block Cipher Algorithms for Data Security in Cloud: A Review

Ragini Kumari, Vijay Kumar Jha.

Cloud computing simplifies access to data in a virtualized setting through the internet ubiquitously and users only pay for what they use. If the data is not sufficiently safeguarded from threats like data breaches, side-channel attacks, data loss transit, etc., unauthorized users can access the data stored in the cloud. Encryption methods have been used to protect the information. Currently, the Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm is preferred over the Data Encryption Standard algorithm. This paper conducts a thorough examination of research related to topics like data security threats in the cloud, including occurrence, threats, and remediation. It also assesses encryption algorithms based on parameters such as design, security, computational efficiency, flexibility, and limitations to prevent data breaches. It has been found that maximum throughput rate and minimum memory usage are two measure performance metrics that are competent to prevent data from security breaches by applying experimental and simulation techniques, concluding that the Advanced Encryption Standard is superior to both Data Encryption Standard and 3-DES

Key words: Block Cipher, Feistel Cipher, Substitution Permutation Network (SPN), Data Encryption Standard (DES), Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Data-dependent permutations (DDP).

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Pubmed Style

Kumari R, Jha VK. Block Cipher Algorithms for Data Security in Cloud: A Review. Eu J Sci Res Rev. 2024; 1(1): 10-19. doi:10.5455/EJSRR.20240416030952

Web Style

Kumari R, Jha VK. Block Cipher Algorithms for Data Security in Cloud: A Review. https://www.wisdomgale.com/ejsrr/?mno=197886 [Access: September 02, 2024]. doi:10.5455/EJSRR.20240416030952

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

Kumari R, Jha VK. Block Cipher Algorithms for Data Security in Cloud: A Review. Eu J Sci Res Rev. 2024; 1(1): 10-19. doi:10.5455/EJSRR.20240416030952

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

Kumari R, Jha VK. Block Cipher Algorithms for Data Security in Cloud: A Review. Eu J Sci Res Rev. (2024), [cited September 02, 2024]; 1(1): 10-19. doi:10.5455/EJSRR.20240416030952

Harvard Style

Kumari, R. & Jha, . V. K. (2024) Block Cipher Algorithms for Data Security in Cloud: A Review. Eu J Sci Res Rev, 1 (1), 10-19. doi:10.5455/EJSRR.20240416030952

Turabian Style

Kumari, Ragini, and Vijay Kumar Jha. 2024. Block Cipher Algorithms for Data Security in Cloud: A Review. European Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews, 1 (1), 10-19. doi:10.5455/EJSRR.20240416030952

Chicago Style

Kumari, Ragini, and Vijay Kumar Jha. "Block Cipher Algorithms for Data Security in Cloud: A Review." European Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews 1 (2024), 10-19. doi:10.5455/EJSRR.20240416030952

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

Kumari, Ragini, and Vijay Kumar Jha. "Block Cipher Algorithms for Data Security in Cloud: A Review." European Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews 1.1 (2024), 10-19. Print. doi:10.5455/EJSRR.20240416030952

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Kumari, R. & Jha, . V. K. (2024) Block Cipher Algorithms for Data Security in Cloud: A Review. European Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews, 1 (1), 10-19. doi:10.5455/EJSRR.20240416030952