E-ISSN 2983-757X

J Res Vet Sci. Year: 2024, Volume: 2, Issue: 4

    Research Article
  • Evaluation of candidate monovalent Bitis arietans antivenom using eggs from hyperimmunized layer chickens in Zaria Kaduna State, Nigeria
    Joshua Seyi Oyetunde, Mohammed Mamman, Jibril Adamu, Peter Ofemile Yusuf, Kelvin Olutimilehin Jolayemi , Collins Chimezie Udechukwu, Magdalene Ogbonneya Okoronkwo, Olayinka Asala, Olushola Olaolu, Abubakar Ogbonneya Usman,
    J Res Vet Sci. 2024; 2(4): 144-151
    » Abstract » PDF» doi: 10.5455/JRVS.20240421033924

  • Research Article
  • Comparative Haematological Responses in Rumenotomy: Impact of Diazepam and Xylazine Pre-medication in West African Dwarf Goats Undergoing Propofol Anaesthesia
    Terfa Ornande Nev, Ochuko Orakpoghenor, Umayange Aondowase, Ashever Jocelyn Terfa,
    J Res Vet Sci. 2024; 2(4): 152-158
    » Abstract » PDF» doi: 10.5455/JRVS.20240329022137

  • Review Article
  • Investigating the Gut Microbiome's Role in Antibiotic Resistance in Companion Animals
    Mostafa Eissa,
    J Res Vet Sci. 2024; 2(4): 159-174
    » Abstract » PDF» doi: 10.5455/JRVS.20240429060752

  • Research Article
  • Seroprevalence and Associated Risk Factors of Foot and Mouth Disease in Selected Woredas of the West Omo Zone, Southwest Ethiopia.
    Dawit Dejene Reta
    J Res Vet Sci. 2024; 2(4): 175-181
    » Abstract » PDF» doi: 10.5455/JRVS.20240401072404

  • Research Article
  • Immunomodulatory and biochemical alterations in chick embryos exposed to polystyrene microplastics
    Md. Sadequl Islam, Md. Ahsanul Kabir, Sheikh Ismail Ahmed,
    J Res Vet Sci. 2024; 2(4): 182-191
    » Abstract » PDF» doi: 10.5455/JRVS.20240508055748