E-ISSN 3041-4180

Research Article
Online Published: 05 Sep 2024

Evaluation of Technical Standards of Selected Physical Soil and Water Conservation Practices and Community Participation in Layguder Watershed, Northwest Ethiopia

Amare Gojjam Geremew , Getachew fisseha , Mamaru Atenafu .

This study has been conducted to evaluate technical standards of selected physical soil and water conservation practices (SWC) and to asses:- community participation in the Layguder watershed. The study was conducted using field measurements, group discussion and (Fifty-seven) household survey. Measurements were taken from these soil bunds, trenches, cut-off drains and waterways from three separate slope classes (3-8% lower, 8-15% middle, and 15-30% upper slope). The recommended value was analyzed using t-test statistics (p<0.05). The household survey data was analyzed by descriptive statistics using the basic Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS-16). The result revealed that soil bund ditch depth, bottom embankment, bund spacing at 3-8 slope classes top width at lower slope class, depth and berm at all slope classes were lesser in magnitude but closer to the standards. Narrow spacing between bunds took more area and required labour thus, they did have not community acceptance by 61%, of the total respondents. The household participation in the implementation of SWC activity was high, while their participation in the planning, monitoring evaluation and corrective action was low.

Key words: Keywords: SWC, Technical standard, Community Participation, recommended standard values

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Pubmed Style

AGG, Gf, MA, . Evaluation of Technical Standards of Selected Physical Soil and Water Conservation Practices and Community Participation in Layguder Watershed, Northwest Ethiopia. J Res Agric Food Sci. Online First: 05 Sep, 2024. doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240531010605

Web Style

AGG, Gf, MA, . Evaluation of Technical Standards of Selected Physical Soil and Water Conservation Practices and Community Participation in Layguder Watershed, Northwest Ethiopia. https://www.wisdomgale.com/jrafs/?mno=203954 [Access: September 06, 2024]. doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240531010605

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

AGG, Gf, MA, . Evaluation of Technical Standards of Selected Physical Soil and Water Conservation Practices and Community Participation in Layguder Watershed, Northwest Ethiopia. J Res Agric Food Sci. Online First: 05 Sep, 2024. doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240531010605

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

AGG, Gf, MA, . Evaluation of Technical Standards of Selected Physical Soil and Water Conservation Practices and Community Participation in Layguder Watershed, Northwest Ethiopia. J Res Agric Food Sci, [cited September 06, 2024]; Online First: 05 Sep, 2024. doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240531010605

Harvard Style

, A. G. G., , G. f., , M. A. & (0) Evaluation of Technical Standards of Selected Physical Soil and Water Conservation Practices and Community Participation in Layguder Watershed, Northwest Ethiopia. J Res Agric Food Sci, Online First: 05 Sep, 2024. doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240531010605

Turabian Style

, Amare Gojjam Geremew, Getachew fisseha, Mamaru Atenafu, and . 0. Evaluation of Technical Standards of Selected Physical Soil and Water Conservation Practices and Community Participation in Layguder Watershed, Northwest Ethiopia. Journal of Research in Agriculture and Food Sciences, Online First: 05 Sep, 2024. doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240531010605

Chicago Style

, Amare Gojjam Geremew, Getachew fisseha, Mamaru Atenafu, and . "Evaluation of Technical Standards of Selected Physical Soil and Water Conservation Practices and Community Participation in Layguder Watershed, Northwest Ethiopia." Journal of Research in Agriculture and Food Sciences Online First: 05 Sep, 2024. doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240531010605

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

, Amare Gojjam Geremew, Getachew fisseha, Mamaru Atenafu, and . "Evaluation of Technical Standards of Selected Physical Soil and Water Conservation Practices and Community Participation in Layguder Watershed, Northwest Ethiopia." Journal of Research in Agriculture and Food Sciences Online First: 05 Sep, 2024. Web. 06 Sep 2024 doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240531010605

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

, A. G. G., , G. f., , M. A. & (0) Evaluation of Technical Standards of Selected Physical Soil and Water Conservation Practices and Community Participation in Layguder Watershed, Northwest Ethiopia. Journal of Research in Agriculture and Food Sciences, Online First: 05 Sep, 2024. doi:10.5455/JRAFS.20240531010605