E-ISSN 2507-1432

Research Article

Online Publishing Date:
28 / 03 / 2024

Nurses' Knowledge Regarding Medication Errors in Government Hospitals

Ahmed Abdmuslim Abdalhussain, AHMED LATEEF ABED ALKHAQANI, Zaid thaib Al kazam, Ruaa Nabaa Muhsin.

Background: Nursing knowledge regarding medication error can be caused by various things, including personal causes (stress, exhaustion), predisposing conditions (extended work shifts, busy environmental settings), and a lack of experience and awareness regarding medication error. The most frequent medical errors in hospital settings involve the administration of medications. Objective: This study aims to assess nurses‟ knowledge regarding medication errors and to identify the relationship between nurses' knowledge and their demographic characteristics. Methods: This study is a descriptive cross-sectional quantitative carried out from 1 December 2022 to 1 February 2023 on the three Al Najaf Al-Ashraf Province hospitals. A non-probability sampling technique (convenience sample) accidentally. The study sample includes (200) nurses who work in Al-Sadr Medical City, Al-Hakim General Hospital, and Al-Zahraa Hospital. A questionnaire specifically designed to achieve the study's goals serves as the research instrument. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were validated using an expert panel and Cronbach's Alpha, respectively. Result: showed that (54%) of nurses were males and (41%) were aged (25-29) years old. Overall, nurses’ knowledge regarding medication errors was moderate. The nurse’s knowledge was found to be significantly associated with (workplace, qualification, years of experience and continuing nursing education courses). Conclusion: The study concluded that the nurses' general understanding of medication errors was moderate. The most knowledgeable nurses are those who participate in continuing nursing education programs. The nurses with greater levels of education have the most expertise in medication errors. The nurses with the greatest depth of knowledge about medication errors are those with the greatest number of years of experience.

Key words: Nurses’ knowledge, medication errors, medication knowledge

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Pubmed Style

Abdalhussain AA, ALKHAQANI ALA, kazam ZtA, Muhsin RN, . Nurses' Knowledge Regarding Medication Errors in Government Hospitals. J Pub Health Comm Med. 2024; 1(2): 74-79. doi:10.5455/JPHCM.20240226093015

Web Style

Abdalhussain AA, ALKHAQANI ALA, kazam ZtA, Muhsin RN, . Nurses' Knowledge Regarding Medication Errors in Government Hospitals. https://www.wisdomgale.com/jphcm/?mno=302657575 [Access: August 08, 2024]. doi:10.5455/JPHCM.20240226093015

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

Abdalhussain AA, ALKHAQANI ALA, kazam ZtA, Muhsin RN, . Nurses' Knowledge Regarding Medication Errors in Government Hospitals. J Pub Health Comm Med. 2024; 1(2): 74-79. doi:10.5455/JPHCM.20240226093015

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

Abdalhussain AA, ALKHAQANI ALA, kazam ZtA, Muhsin RN, . Nurses' Knowledge Regarding Medication Errors in Government Hospitals. J Pub Health Comm Med. (2024), [cited August 08, 2024]; 1(2): 74-79. doi:10.5455/JPHCM.20240226093015

Harvard Style

Abdalhussain, A. A., ALKHAQANI, A. L. A., kazam, Z. t. A., Muhsin, R. N. & (2024) Nurses' Knowledge Regarding Medication Errors in Government Hospitals. J Pub Health Comm Med, 1 (2), 74-79. doi:10.5455/JPHCM.20240226093015

Turabian Style

Abdalhussain, Ahmed Abdmuslim, AHMED LATEEF ABED ALKHAQANI, Zaid thaib Al kazam, Ruaa Nabaa Muhsin, and . 2024. Nurses' Knowledge Regarding Medication Errors in Government Hospitals. Journal of Public Health and Community Medicine, 1 (2), 74-79. doi:10.5455/JPHCM.20240226093015

Chicago Style

Abdalhussain, Ahmed Abdmuslim, AHMED LATEEF ABED ALKHAQANI, Zaid thaib Al kazam, Ruaa Nabaa Muhsin, and . "Nurses' Knowledge Regarding Medication Errors in Government Hospitals." Journal of Public Health and Community Medicine 1 (2024), 74-79. doi:10.5455/JPHCM.20240226093015

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

Abdalhussain, Ahmed Abdmuslim, AHMED LATEEF ABED ALKHAQANI, Zaid thaib Al kazam, Ruaa Nabaa Muhsin, and . "Nurses' Knowledge Regarding Medication Errors in Government Hospitals." Journal of Public Health and Community Medicine 1.2 (2024), 74-79. Print. doi:10.5455/JPHCM.20240226093015

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Abdalhussain, A. A., ALKHAQANI, A. L. A., kazam, Z. t. A., Muhsin, R. N. & (2024) Nurses' Knowledge Regarding Medication Errors in Government Hospitals. Journal of Public Health and Community Medicine, 1 (2), 74-79. doi:10.5455/JPHCM.20240226093015