E-ISSN 2507-1432

Research Article

Online Publishing Date:
23 / 03 / 2024

Impact of behaviour after using the toilet in the occurrence of typhoid fever: A community based study

Mohd kalim, S M Safdar Ashraf, Sana Zaki, Abdul Aziz Khan.

Introduction: It is very essential for the upkeep of health and for the normal growth of our body. There is a proverb “cleanliness is next to Godliness”. Scrupulous cleansing of hands with soap and water is very essential to prevent spread of infectious diseases like cholera, typhoid, dysentery etc. They should invariably be washed before taking meals and during handling or preparing food and after using the toilet. The classical case of “Typhoid Mary” who spread typhoid fever among those for whom she cooked was thought for dirty and careless housewife.
Objective: To examine the effects of practicing and non-practicing the habits of personal hygiene and their relation in the prevalence typhoid fever.
To determine the impact of the habit of washing hands (using the material) after defecation in relation to typhoid fever
Method: A Pre-typed semi-structured Performa, consisting the questions regarding the hygienic practices while using the toilets and after defecation was prepared for collection of data from subjects. Present study was analyzed through both descriptive and inferential statistical methods.
Result: The overall prevalence of typhoid irrespective of hand washing was 7.5% (n=83).
Conclusion: It was found here that among those who were not washing their hands after defecation with the soap or any cleansing materials were more sufferers of the diseases

Key words: Key Words: Cleanliness, Typhoid Fever, Hand hygiene, personal hygiene

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Pubmed Style

kalim M, Ashraf SMS, Zaki S, Khan AA. Impact of behaviour after using the toilet in the occurrence of typhoid fever: A community based study. J Pub Health Comm Med. 2024; 1(2): 70-73. doi:10.5455/JPHCM.20240203071257

Web Style

kalim M, Ashraf SMS, Zaki S, Khan AA. Impact of behaviour after using the toilet in the occurrence of typhoid fever: A community based study. https://www.wisdomgale.com/jphcm/?mno=189321 [Access: August 08, 2024]. doi:10.5455/JPHCM.20240203071257

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

kalim M, Ashraf SMS, Zaki S, Khan AA. Impact of behaviour after using the toilet in the occurrence of typhoid fever: A community based study. J Pub Health Comm Med. 2024; 1(2): 70-73. doi:10.5455/JPHCM.20240203071257

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

kalim M, Ashraf SMS, Zaki S, Khan AA. Impact of behaviour after using the toilet in the occurrence of typhoid fever: A community based study. J Pub Health Comm Med. (2024), [cited August 08, 2024]; 1(2): 70-73. doi:10.5455/JPHCM.20240203071257

Harvard Style

kalim, M., Ashraf, . S. M. S., Zaki, . S. & Khan, . A. A. (2024) Impact of behaviour after using the toilet in the occurrence of typhoid fever: A community based study. J Pub Health Comm Med, 1 (2), 70-73. doi:10.5455/JPHCM.20240203071257

Turabian Style

kalim, Mohd, S M Safdar Ashraf, Sana Zaki, and Abdul Aziz Khan. 2024. Impact of behaviour after using the toilet in the occurrence of typhoid fever: A community based study. Journal of Public Health and Community Medicine, 1 (2), 70-73. doi:10.5455/JPHCM.20240203071257

Chicago Style

kalim, Mohd, S M Safdar Ashraf, Sana Zaki, and Abdul Aziz Khan. "Impact of behaviour after using the toilet in the occurrence of typhoid fever: A community based study." Journal of Public Health and Community Medicine 1 (2024), 70-73. doi:10.5455/JPHCM.20240203071257

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

kalim, Mohd, S M Safdar Ashraf, Sana Zaki, and Abdul Aziz Khan. "Impact of behaviour after using the toilet in the occurrence of typhoid fever: A community based study." Journal of Public Health and Community Medicine 1.2 (2024), 70-73. Print. doi:10.5455/JPHCM.20240203071257

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

kalim, M., Ashraf, . S. M. S., Zaki, . S. & Khan, . A. A. (2024) Impact of behaviour after using the toilet in the occurrence of typhoid fever: A community based study. Journal of Public Health and Community Medicine, 1 (2), 70-73. doi:10.5455/JPHCM.20240203071257