ISSN 3041-4814

Review Article

Online Publishing Date:
07 / 08 / 2024


Resistome of the Human Gut Microbiome – A Reservoir for Emerging Threats: A Minireview

Mostafa Essam Eissa.

The human gut microbiome harbors a vast array of microbes, with antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) posing a growing threat. The widespread use of antibiotics disrupts this delicate balance, fostering the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB). This phenomenon, termed the "gut resistome," weakens the effectiveness of antibiotics and necessitates a multifaceted approach to combat it. Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) via plasmids and transposons plays a key role in disseminating ARGs within the gut microbiome. Bacteria employ various mechanisms to evade antibiotics, including efflux pumps, enzymatic modification, and ribosomal modification. The rise of multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria necessitates exploring alternative therapies like phage therapy and antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). Curbing antibiotic resistance demands a "One Health" approach that integrates human and animal healthcare with environmental monitoring. Responsible antibiotic use, public education, and research into novel antimicrobials are crucial. Additionally, manipulating the gut microbiome through prebiotics, probiotics, and dietary changes offers promise. Artificial intelligence holds immense potential for accelerating the discovery of new antibiotic classes. Understanding the dynamics of the gut resistome is vital for developing effective strategies to combat antibiotic resistance. While it presents a significant challenge, the resistome may also hold the key to novel therapeutic solutions through "reverse pharmacology." By studying resistance mechanisms and exploiting the potential of alternative therapies, we can ensure effective healthcare for future generations.

Key words: Horizontal Gene Transfer; Mobile Genetic Elements; Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria; Efflux Pumps; One Health Approach; Antimicrobial Peptides.

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Pubmed Style

Eissa ME, . Resistome of the Human Gut Microbiome – A Reservoir for Emerging Threats: A Minireview. J Exp Lab Med. 2024; 1(1): 32-42. doi:10.5455/JELM.20240527084438

Web Style

Eissa ME, . Resistome of the Human Gut Microbiome – A Reservoir for Emerging Threats: A Minireview. [Access: August 23, 2024]. doi:10.5455/JELM.20240527084438

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

Eissa ME, . Resistome of the Human Gut Microbiome – A Reservoir for Emerging Threats: A Minireview. J Exp Lab Med. 2024; 1(1): 32-42. doi:10.5455/JELM.20240527084438

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

Eissa ME, . Resistome of the Human Gut Microbiome – A Reservoir for Emerging Threats: A Minireview. J Exp Lab Med. (2024), [cited August 23, 2024]; 1(1): 32-42. doi:10.5455/JELM.20240527084438

Harvard Style

Eissa, M. E. & (2024) Resistome of the Human Gut Microbiome – A Reservoir for Emerging Threats: A Minireview. J Exp Lab Med, 1 (1), 32-42. doi:10.5455/JELM.20240527084438

Turabian Style

Eissa, Mostafa Essam, and . 2024. Resistome of the Human Gut Microbiome – A Reservoir for Emerging Threats: A Minireview. Journal of Experimental and Laboratory Medicine, 1 (1), 32-42. doi:10.5455/JELM.20240527084438

Chicago Style

Eissa, Mostafa Essam, and . "Resistome of the Human Gut Microbiome – A Reservoir for Emerging Threats: A Minireview." Journal of Experimental and Laboratory Medicine 1 (2024), 32-42. doi:10.5455/JELM.20240527084438

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

Eissa, Mostafa Essam, and . "Resistome of the Human Gut Microbiome – A Reservoir for Emerging Threats: A Minireview." Journal of Experimental and Laboratory Medicine 1.1 (2024), 32-42. Print. doi:10.5455/JELM.20240527084438

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Eissa, M. E. & (2024) Resistome of the Human Gut Microbiome – A Reservoir for Emerging Threats: A Minireview. Journal of Experimental and Laboratory Medicine, 1 (1), 32-42. doi:10.5455/JELM.20240527084438