ISSN 3041-4822

J Eng Res Rev. Year: 2024, Volume: 1, Issue: 1

    Review Article
  • Beyond the Rocket: A Review of Propellantless Propulsion Technologies and Concepts
    Mostafa Essam Eissa
    J Eng Res Rev. 2024; 1(1): 1-14
    » Abstract » PDF» doi: 10.5455/JERR.20240604120507

  • Review Article
  • A Comparative study of Fuzzy Logic, Incremental Conductance and P & O MPPT Algorithms for Solar Energy System
    Muhammad Imran, Mohammad Ahsan Shehzad, Abdul Wajid,
    J Eng Res Rev. 2024; 1(1): 15-31
    » Abstract » PDF» doi: 10.5455/JERR.20240626085818

  • Mini Review
  • Engineering Challenges and Opportunities in the Object 490 and 490A Tank Prototypes
    Mostafa Essam Eissa
    J Eng Res Rev. 2024; 1(1): 32-40
    » Abstract » PDF» doi: 10.5455/JERR.20240806044827

  • Original Article
  • Connecting communities: Enhancing broadband access in rural Tanzania through small cell deployment
    Pascal Yamakili, Mrindoko Rashid Nicholaus
    J Eng Res Rev. 2024; 1(1): 41-50
    » Abstract » PDF» doi: 10.5455/JERR.20240620043554

  • Research Article
  • Study the Effect of Thermal Spraying With Various Ceramic Powders on The Sliding Wear of Steel Alloy( AISI1020 )
    Edrees E. Edaan, Saad Gh. Rifai ,
    J Eng Res Rev. 2024; 1(1): 51-59
    » Abstract » PDF» doi: 10.5455/JERR.20240610110224